If you're looking to cancel your MYM subscription, we've got you covered. Please note that this guide is based on the current version of the MYM website as of 2023.
Remember that the cancellation process may vary depending on the type of subscription you have. Make sure to follow the specific steps that correspond to your MYM membership.
For up-to-date information on MYM subscription pricing, including costs and plans, please visit the MYM Fans Pricing Page.
Subscriptions to Creators are payable (see prices on the profile of a Creator).
MYM may update its subscription options and terms periodically. The information provided here is based on the structure and choices available on the website at the time of writing. Always check MYM's official website for the latest information.
If you require additional information on canceling your subscription, have questions, or need further assistance with your MYM account, don't hesitate to reach out to MYM's customer support. They are here to help you through the cancellation process.
Cancelling your MYM subscription is straightforward when you follow our step-by-step guide. Take control of your subscriptions and make informed decisions about your MYM membership.