Vivid goes offline

Vivid announces the building of the company's brand new office in a secret location.
Vivid showed only one render of their new building and caused a wave of new topics on the famous platform 4chain. Users trying to figure out the city where Vivid planning to open a new HQ building.

Vivid announces the building of the company's brand new office in a secret location.
Vivid showed only one render of their new building and caused a wave of new topics on the famous platform 4chain. Users trying to figure out the city where Vivid planning to open a new HQ building.
Next-gen ATMs
Vivid introduces new ATMs with coins withdrawal only.To continue the idea of pockets, Vivid is now exclusively letting customers fill up their pockets in a real way.This decision will help Vivid clients to feel their wealth physically, mostly due to the increased weight of carrying around money.

To support the usage of coins and to make life easier Vivid is announcing a new merch line of cargo pants with big side pockets.
You can easily replace pockets to fit your needs. For example, you can attach a Travel pocket with your travel budget when going abroad or associate an Investment pocket when visiting your friends to highlight your wealth.

Let your money jingle - says Alexander Emeshev