If you're wondering how to cancel Adeslas subscription, don't worry; we've got you covered. Adeslas offers a straightforward process for requesting a refund, and we'll walk you through it step-by-step. Whether you prefer using your Personal Account on the website or the Adeslas Health and Wellness app, the procedure is hassle-free.
Keep in mind that the refund process may take some time, so please be patient while Adeslas processes your request.
For up-to-date information on Adeslas subscription tariffs, please visit the official Adeslas website: https://www.seguros.adeslas.es/
1. Adeslas Plena Plus €55
2. Full Adeslas €45
3. Adeslas Plena Vital €35
4. Adeslas GO €19
5. Total amount of Adeslas €65
6. Adeslas Seniors (from 55 years old) 59 €
7. Adeslas Dental Max €8
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on the procedures available as of the writing date in 2023. Adeslas may update its cancellation process or tariff information in the future. Please refer to the official Adeslas website or contact their customer support for the most current details.