Planning your post-pandemic holiday

It can be hard to imagine a time after the pandemic. And yet, in some parts of the world, things are opening back up. Vaccinated people are meeting each other outside, travelling, and even going to concerts.
You may be one of those lucky few who is getting vaccinated or will be soon, and because of that you might already be eyeing your first real post-pandemic vacation. You’re not alone — lots of popular travel destinations are already booked up.
So here are some tips on how you can safely enjoy your first real vacation in years. Because god knows we all deserve one.
Be mindful of where you travel to
Your area of the world may be exiting lockdown and on the path to recovery, but not everywhere in the world has been that lucky. Vaccinations so far have disproportionately been given to people in rich countries like the U.S., the U.K. and Europe. When you travel, be sure to go somewhere where you’re not unnecessarily putting other people at risk. A resort on a tropical island might be exactly what you need to unwind and recover, but many of the workers in those resorts might not be vaccinated, but have no choice but to go to work because of the influx of tourists.
Instead, try to find places you know both are in need of tourists, but also are far enough in their vaccination campaigns that the people serving you aren’t putting themselves in danger by being there.
Check whether your country has a digital vaccination pass
A lot of the restrictions on travelling have been eased specifically for people who are fully vaccinated. In some countries, you may have a vaccination pass — it’s often that famous yellow booklet issued by the World Health Organization. But many countries are also right now working on bringing out a digital vaccination pass that should make travel a lot easier, as you’ll be able to show proof of vaccination on your phone. In Europe, that pass is slated to be released by the end of June.
Try something different
The trick to having a safe and enjoyable vacation this year is going to involve thinking about what everyone else is doing. Most of us are not flying yet, as international travel is still the exception, which has caused popular inland destinations like mountain- and beach resorts to quickly fill up. If you want to find anything now, you’re going to have to be clever. Are there any spots around you that aren’t yet known as vacation hot spots? What about camping grounds? If you’re set on going to a popular travel destination, you could try going there outside of the most popular vacation times — July and August for Europe. Taking your vacation early, or pushing it until September, might help you get in somewhere that would be otherwise booked solid.
Take advantage of Vivid Services
Did you know that you can get up to 10% cashback on rental cars and hotel bookings in Vivid? It’s something we call Vivid Services, and it’s completely separate from our other cashback offers (yes, that means you don’t need to have Super Deals to take advantage of it). To get that cashback, go through the rewards tab in the Vivid app. Book your car or hotel through there, using your Vivid card, and you’re done.