Vivid × MILES
Get up to 5% cashback on MILES Rides with Vivid
Open your MILES account in your Vivid app and receive 5% cashback for 6 months on all rides booked with MILES through the Vivid app. Simply head to Vivid services and book your ride.
Earn with every ride
Why join Vivid
Vivid Money is the mobile banking and investing app that helps to save and grow your money.
Up to 25% cashback simply by spending
Earn money on your spending while traveling or on selected popular brands. Earn up to €150 per month.
One account, 15 free IBANS
Take control of your money with 15 free IBANs under one checking account. Household, subscriptions, saving and others — organize as you wish.
Be the one in a million with personalised cards
Stand out with customizable cards
Free cash withdrawal
Withdraw money up to €1,000 free of charge.
Even more
0 fee crypto investments with Prime
You only need a Vivid Account and €0.01 to invest in cryptocurrencies. We don’t have any limits, so you don’t need €1,000 to get started.
Invest in stocks and precious metals
Trade instantly. Transactions are carried out the moment you submit them. React to market developments in real time and never miss an opportunity.
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Vivid Prime
Discover all the benefits of your all-inclusive bank account.
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